Saturday, June 12, 2010

Woman of Style

Eat, Pray, Love...

What a simple aim in life, if only it were that simple. I have just started reading the amazing book with the same title, and have thought about it in my own context. Eat? Check. Pray? Sometimes. Love? Check. So what's the big deal. Of course you can never judge a book by its cover, and of course this book is about so much more than this, on so much more of a spiritual level. The book starts out by recapping the adversity that occurred in the author's life; it is something that required her to re-think the way she was living. The thing that I am curious about, however, is how come it usually takes something bad to happened, or someone's life to be turned upside-down, for them to take the first steps in improving their health, their spirituality, their careers, their relationships - their life.

I know this is what happened to me. Fortunately, yet unfortunately, I was diagnosed with leukaemia, at age 18. My life was turned upside-down. However, in the end it was for the best. I was able to grow up a lot earlier than most people my age, and for that I have gained some sort of wisdom that has allowed me to change some things in my life.

Lets all take a cue from this mantra, and improve the things our lives that need improving, might be holding us back, or take that plunge and do the things we have always been dreaming and desiring to do... before we are required to!

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